One UPV USA announces its newest scholar

We are happy to announce that we have awarded our support to Riza Flores, a fourth year Bachelor of Food Technology student at UPV, Miagao.

Ms. Flores hails from Victorias City, Negros Occidental. The twenty year old college senior is the middle daughter of Elvis and Mercedes Flores. Mr. Flores works as a tricycle driver and Mrs. Flores, a former domestic helper, is a housewife. The senior Floreses instilled hard work and perseverance in their three daughters, the eldest of which is now a Certified Public Accountant.

Ms. Flores, and the UPV School of Technology, are grateful to One UPV.

A letter from Dean Lozada:

Dear Ms Terry Brown,

Please accept my thanks for the Scholarship Award given to the BS Food Technology student Riza Flores. Our School is grateful for this rare opportunity and much needed support. I am sure that this generosity will be treasured.

My warmest regards to all of you.

Truly yours,
School of Technology
University of the Philippines Visayas
Miagao, Iloilo Philippines

Riza Flores on her dreams:

My ultimate goal in life is to make my family, especially Nanay, and Tatay happier. Even though I know that they are happy and are contented, I want to give them more, because they do deserve more. As a family, we are financially challenge, but my parents sacrifice everything just to send the three of us to college, and provide us our needs and even wants. I get my inspirations from Tatay who goes home tired from driving all day long under the heat of the sun or wet from rain, and Nanay who is drained from staying inside the house cleaning, washing our clothes, cooking, and serving us the best care she could give us. After graduation, I hope that I can immediately work in a food company, and practice my chosen field as a food technologist, providing the consumers safe and high quality food products. In the future, I also want to invest and have a business where I can develop new products that are consumer friendly. One target that I have since I entered the field of food technology is to give importance to the local products and also maximize raw materials that are locally found which can give a positive outcome for small farmers.

Ms. Flores on education being the great equalizer:

Education is a great equalizer because if everyone is educated, no one will dare to take advantage and no one will be taken advantage. Education enables people to have opportunities and succeed in life, and put bread into the pockets of all existing families especially the poor. Education was established for the benefits it provides for the common good. Education serves the purpose of building a strong, knowledgeable, decent individuals, which will make the society sustainable. Education erases the gap between the rich and the poor because in education we are all in the same level.


Running for a better future


This weekend’s activities - June 2-3, 2018